Press Release Summary: Artemis Financial Private Equity to check in to Asia\'s Private Equity Boom country
Press Release Body: A sign of how quickly the private equity industry has grown in India is how many Private Equity firms are basing offices there.
It appears the next big arrival will be Artemis Financial who have recently acquired premises, which shows you a little of the said companies influence in today's financial world. Such has been the industry\'s haste to tap Asia\'s newest private equity market that many firms have so far been able to find suitable premises and still work out of five-star hotel rooms.
India is the latest Asian country to attract the attention of the world\'s leading buy-out funds. They are estimated to have a total of $20bn intended for the region, which with leverage provides a war chest for deals in excess of $100bn.
Although Artemis Financial are yet to officially comment on this, one un-named source did quote that Artemis Financial estimates the industry will report another record year and they aim to be part of it. The scope for growth there is massive. This can be another way for us to bring massive profit potentials to our client base.
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